Monday, March 24, 2025

Super Vänerlax 11,14kg

After some tuff days in terms of weather with cold northern wind we got finally a nice fishing day with a perfect result, my second biggest Vänernlax.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Vänerlax 9,72 kg

Fishing Vänern since a few weeks with good success. Today I caught a nice "Silverlaxen" of  9.72 kg and a 5 kg.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Åland Havs Salmon

Back from Eckerö, Åland after a few weeks fishing for migrating salmon.

The fishing started with a lost fish followed by a 10.5kg salmon, then the weather changed to a northern wind and the water cooled down , which resulted in 13 days without a strike due to a wrong strategy.

After a change we managed to catch a nice 16.8kg salmon at the first day of the "Trolling Träff" competition, which was the second biggest of the day and 5th biggest over all and further lost one with a line break.

Salmon 16,8kg with colleague Jonni

On the Sunday after the competition I caught that nice salmon of 17.6kg, which is actually a new boat record and my biggest since 25 years Baltic Sea salmon trolling.

On Wednesday after we had another 2 strikes, which both went of and nothing more as the water temp went up quickly to almost 17°.

Friday, April 7, 2023

Full Pott

First day fishing on Vänern today and "Full Pott", 3 salmon from 5,2  to 6,5 kg, as well as one salmon 4kg and one trout 63cm released.

A lot of big fish have been caught as well, so the hunt is on.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Väner-Lax 10,6 kg

Fishing since a few weeks on Vänern out of Dalbergsa, when weather permits and catching mostly Trout between 3 and 5kg as well as 1 Salmon of 4kg.

But today I got connected with a big Salmon of 10,6kg right in the morning and short after all the rods were in the water. After a tough fight with some runs and jumps out of the water I could finally net him.

The Salmon is the current leader of the "Einars Silverlaxen 2022" Competition from Melleruds Trollingklubb.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Back on Vänern, fishing for Trout

 We're back on Vänern, after 2 poor days, a change of tactics and a new area we got 2 Trout(4,5+4kg) and lost one.

Friday, May 14, 2021


We're in Simrishamn since Sunday, the fishing started on Tuesday. Up to now 9 salmon between 5 and 9kg and that nice 13,5 kg today evening. All fish except one are caught on Löja , Jackpot Heads and VK Flasher.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Full Pott

 Today Full Pott, 1 salmon 5kg and 2 Trout 4+3kg, one 61cm released, 1 lost and several small ones.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Salmon and Trout

 Todays fishing brought 1 Salmon 6.5kg and a Trout of 6 kg as well as one Trout 62cm released.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

2 salmon

 First day "serious" fishing (Löja) brought 2 salmon around 5kg , 1 lost and several empty strikes.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

New Boat in the water

After a long waiting period, delays due to Covid, a long journey from "Middle Earth" around  half the Globe and some final installations the new Boat finally hited the water.

The first day fishing in Vänern brought 2 Trout and a number of strikes.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Crescent Salmon V23 was sold

A new Trolling Boat is ordered, so I'm selling my current one.

It is a Crescent Salmon V23 from 2009 with a Yamaha 130hp Outboard Motor from 2015 with Trolling Speed, 1040,7 hours running time and fresh service. 

The boat is fully equipped and ready to fish, included are:

Brenderup Trailer 8222b EU trailer

Lowrance HDS 7 Touch Gen.2 used as Sonar with 2 Transducer ( StructureScan and 83/200 KHz)

Lowrance HDS 8M Gen.2 , Plotter with Chart, Radar- and AIS Overlay, Point 1 GPS Antenna

Lowrance 3G Radar, Lowrance NMEA 2000 Network, Compass

Standard Horizon VHF Radio with AIS Receiver

Raymarine Autopilot, Planar Diesel Heater, 2 Batteries 100 AH each, Sterling Battery Charger

2 Scotty electrical Downrigger, 2 Big Jon Planer Reels and a Planer System, 22 Rod Holder

Fishing Tackle are not included.

If interested please contact me at: