Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bravo "Jordbruksverket" !

The "fettfena" nonsens is from the table, for now!

In a statement from the 14th of June, the Swedish Ministry of Agriculture, Head of the department who produced the brainless plan for the trolling restrictions based on the existence of a fin, dumped that idea.

Their argumentation follows in the majority the argumentation which was brought into the discussion from people who know what they are talking about.

- Only a part of the hatched and stocked fish in the Baltic is "fenklipped" and as long as not
  everybody is cutting of that fin it makes no sense to have such a regulation to protect wild salmon.

- The economical impact of such a restriction is far deeper than in the original paper considered.

- A bag limit has been favoured, if at all, to regulate salmon fishing, which can be accepted as long as it is based on the reality and not on fictive figures.

- The development of tourist fishing has been declared as a clear goal for the future.

The only thing which is missing is the clear statement against the main problem the salmon is facing, the commercial fishery with nets, traps and long lines!

In general the paper shows, that resistance and argumentation pays of more than answering nonsense with bigger nonsense as done by the Swedish "sport fishing" organisation "Sportfiskarna".

Here the link to the statement from  "Jordbruksverket".


Saturday, June 9, 2012

1 "fettfena per day"?!

A new kind of masochism is taking place in the Swedish trolling community in the recent days.

As a kind of an answer to the intention to restrict trolling in the Baltic Sea, some guys are now voting for a "1 fettfena per day" quota, instead of rejecting it completely.

First of all it means accepting that there is a need for a restriction, which is nonsense as there are more salmon in the Baltics than ever before, thanks to a partial net ban which is showing success.

Secondly some figures are circulated about the amount of salmon taken by trolling angler, which are pure guessing as nobody knows it for sure.

Fact is that the fast majority is still taken by commercial fishing with nets and long lines.

How many "fettfena" per day are these bastards taking?

As long as there is any kind of commercial salmon fishing and the same rules are not applied to everybody, restrictions for trolling have to be rejected!

Make the Baltic Sea a recreational fishing ground!

Stop commercial salmon fishing!